Tuesday, 31 March 2015

How to: Pony Tail Curls

I wanted to share with you today a very very easy way of curling your hair which I do all the time and only takes 5-10 mins to do.
You do not need my length hair to do this it would look nice and work with shorter hair too.

1. Start off by putting your hair in a simple pony tail, then start taking sections of hair and curl all of it. Curl one section towards your face + the next one away from your face, this will stop them looking similar and make them look natural and a bit messier.

2. When you've finished curling all of the hair take it out of the pony tail carefully.

3. Then position where you want your hair to sit ready for hairspray.

4. Spray some hairspray into your hands and apply it to the roots of your hair for more volume.

And that is it..I told you it was easy :)

I hope some of you found this useful or you gained some tips or found out another way to curl your hair.

Sunday, 29 March 2015

Pinterest Obsession & Holiday Clothing

I'm sure you all know what pinterest is so I won't bother explaining it to all of you but I have been loving it recently and thought I would share one of my favourite boards I have created with you.

Since this year is already going so fast and were almost in April (whutt?) summer and clothes are going through my mind and most probably yours too.

I made a board on pinterest full of holiday clothing and summer ideas which you can all see if you click here

Some Of My Favourite Outfits/Clothes Found From Pinterest:

I went shopping last week and was looking for a lace crochet top I'd seen on pinterest and found on the select website soon after, but as we all know what we see on the website isn't always what's in stores right now so I wasn't expecting to find it in select...But when I went in it was hung right there in front of me! :D I did notice there wasn't many left at all so I was lucky to even find one in my size but I did :) for £12.99.

Here it is, I don't know if all of you will like it but I love it!

 (what I saw on pinterest)                          (from select, pretty much identical)

Love lace. If I could pull off high waist shorts I'd do this.

Follow Me On Pinterest: millieerosee_

Which outfit was your favourite?

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